SmartHome model
The goal of this project was to create the simplest SmartHome controller system possible, with the possibility of controlling it from a smartphone.
A video of the project:
The project's details:
The project was built as an upgrade to one of my previous projects, what I built for the Sustainability Day in 2015 (Fenntarthatósági Nap). This was controlled by an Arduino Uno development board from the beginning, but originally the microcontroller only turned on and off the lights on the model in a predefined order. Later I extended the controller circuit with some other parts for example a bluetooth module, and I wrote an application to controll everything.
The Application was written to Android based smartphones, (using Java programming language) and there is a switch on it's main page for every single part of the smarthome model. The typical reaction time of the controller is around 2 seconds, because there are a lot of things to control at the same time. For example there are real solar panels on the top of the model, and the controller has a display where it shows the current voltage generated by the solar panels, and there is a temperature sensor to read the panels temperature.
Exhibitions and conferences where it were shown and achievements:
- MŰKÖDJ! 2016
- Fenntarthatósági Nap 8 (2015.09.30) - közönségdíj (special award)
- Kutatók Éjszakája a Debreceni Agora Tudományos Élményközpontban 2016
- Kutatók Éjszakája a Debreceni Agora Tudományos Élményközpontban 2017
- XVIII. Országos Közoktatási Szakértői Konferencia
- XIX. Országos Közoktatási Szakértői Konferencia
Summary of the Researcher's Night(2016) in the Agora Science Center where I presented some of my projects(from 7:28 SmartHome, and from 8:55 3D printer). The video's language is Hungarian.